
BSM is a great place to make friends and grow in your faith at college.

What people are saying

Photo of Ari Sandoval

Ari Sandoval

Joining the BSM was the most important thing in all of my college life so far. I knew that college would be very hard and finding a good group of people was the way I was going to grow and have an easier college journey. Joining a community and growing alongside many amazing friends with whom you get to share experiences is what make the BSM so special.

Photo of Natalie Gustafson

Natalie Gustafson

Being involved in the BSM during college has transformed my life. God used the BSM as a way for me to be challenged in my walk with him. The BSM was a place where I was able to honestly struggle and wrestle with my questions and hard times while surrounded by people who loved and supported me. I learned what it means to live my life for Christ and was challenged to do so everyday.

Photo of Mac Stinson

Mac Stinson

We are made to be a community of believes that walk and struggle together, all for the glory of God. For me, church and BSM have given me access to discipleship resources and fellowship I never would have had otherwise.

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Made possible by gifts through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program.